
About Us


INQUIZ Labs is a leading provider of virtual courses for students worldwide.

The mission of INQUIZ Labs is to help each student maximize his or her potential and meet the highest performance standards through a uniquely individualized learning program. We tailor our approach for students of all abilities—preparing students to succeed in school, and in life.

Who Are We?

The staff and faculty of the INQUIZ Labs Online Academy are Mathematicians, Astrophysicists, Statisticians, Nutritionists, Computer Programmers, Financial Analysts, 3D Animators, Video Editors, Entrepreneurs, all of whom are passionate educators. We saw a surge in the need for excellent problem-solving skills in our professional disciplines, and we wanted to do something to help prepare the future generations.

All of us watched fellow faculty struggle when faced with novel problems. Some of us taught classrooms full of those students. Many of us have been those students.

In creating the INQUIZ Labs curriculum,  the developed the content that we wish we had when we were students, and we built the Academy we always wished we could teach at–one filled with engaging, interesting, inquisitive students who love learning and love life. And we’re passionate about helping our students become the best critical thinkers, problem-solvers and innovators that they can be.

For more details about the accomplished people you will work within the INQUIZ Labs Online Academy, please see our Instructors and Staff pages.


Our curriculum is specifically designed for students ages 5-18. We present a much broader and deeper exploration of life skills than a traditional school curriculum, and we show students how to apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills to real-life challenges. Our programs prepare our students to excel and to assimilate into innovative careers.

Our Mantra: Critical Thinking

Many of the careers available today are wildly different than they were two decades ago, or didn’t exist at all back then. As globalization and computerization continues, the professional landscape will shift even faster for today’s students. We can’t know what new industries will appear, what new careers will be available, and what specific skills will be needed to survive and thrive amidst these changes.

Yet schools have not changed much in the past several decades. Many homework assignments and tests still reward memorization and regurgitation of mastered facts and never confront students with problems that are unlike anything the student has seen before. Repeating mastered tasks may have been valuable many years ago, but now mastering narrow skills just sets students up to compete with computers. That’s a battle humans are doomed to lose. Computers are better than we are at pretty much every function they perform.

But while machines are gradually taking over more and more well-understood tasks, they’re still usually no match for us when facing novel problems. This fundamental skill—overcoming obstacles we’ve never encountered before—is critical thinking. By developing critical thinking skills, we learn how to logically work our way through any problems we may face. The memorizer can only solve problems he has encountered already, but the problem solver is flexible and can solve problems she’s never seen before.

At INQUIZ Labs, we integrate critical thinking approaches all our courses, and this is used as a vehicle to teach problem solving. Math isn’t the only way to learn problem solving, but we think it is the best way. Sadly, education is often taught as “stuff we know.” But ultimately it isn’t just “stuff we know.” It’s how we know it.

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