
Child Safety Policy

Children using our platform

You must be at least 5 years old to use the Inquiz Labs platform, but if you are 12 or younger, please don’t sign up for an account yourself.

Instead you should ask a parent or guardian to register an account on your behalf, and then learn alongside them until you are old enough for your own account.

Children 13 and over

At Inquiz Labs we think that talking about ideas with other people is a great way to learn, which is why we encourage learning through conversation.

As with any online environment where you can talk to other people, it’s important to stay safe and be aware of potential dangers, especially if you’re under 18.

Before you start communicating with anyone, take a moment to think about your existing presence online. It’s a good idea to review the privacy settings on any social media profiles you might have and make sure you’re comfortable with what you’re sharing. What happens if you search for your own name? Do any of the results surprise you?

Here are our top INQUIZ Labs privacy tips:

  • Never share contact details (such as email address, telephone number or Snapchat username) with another user – even if they ask you for them, or they’re an educator
  • Never share your exact location, whether in comments or on your profile – just your country will do
  • Be careful not to reveal other personal information about yourself and people you know, such as names of family members, teachers, and friends
  • Help the community by looking out for and reporting anything you think might not be safe. INQUIZ Labs moderators can help by hiding comments that contain personal details once you have reported them

What to do if you’re worried

If you think you’ve made a mistake in a comment and think you might have revealed something you shouldn’t, you can go back and edit your comment or profile at any time.

If you see anything in a comment or profile that concerns you on INQUIZ Labs platform, you can report it to us by sending an email to jared@inquizlabs.com. You can also reach out to us for help if you’re worried about someone’s behaviour.

If you think someone is being creepy, for example if they keep asking questions about where you live or your family members, or they ask for your contact details:

  • Do not reply to them
  • Contact us at jared@inquizlabs.com providing as much information as you can

If someone is being creepy outside of INQUIZ Labs, please see the Think U Know website for more advice.

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